True North is COMING!
June 23-27, 2025
Registration is OPEN!
True North is COMING!
June 23-27, 2025
Registration is OPEN!
Check out TRUE NORTH VBS - Coming in June 2025
Gearing up for next year.
Make sure you mark your calendars for June 23-27, 2025 for TRUE NORTH VBS!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Marilyn Battuello @ (484)-883-1814 or email
Sign ups are here:
ADULT VOLUNTEER Anyone who will be 18 or older at the time of VBS.
Youth VOLUNTEER Anyone who has completed grades 7-12 and is under 18 at the time of VBS.
See Below for more detailed Info.
PLEASE READ (and print) information for future reference
Participants - VBS is for children who will be 4 by September 1st of this year through those finishing 6th grade in June. Children must be potty trained. Please, no children in diapers or pull-ups.
Youth Volunteers - must have completed the 7th grade and is under the age of 18 at the time of VBS.
Adult Volunteers – Any volunteers who will be 18 years or older at the time of VBS
Childcare - Childcare is provided for young children of volunteers.
Many local churches are adding safety measures to their programs, and Christ Memorial is no different! We want our VBS to be fun AND safe. Caring for the well-being of the children will always be a priority of this congregation. Additionally the Commonwealth of PA has passed legislation mandating procedures for those who work or volunteer to work with youth and children. Please note that all adult volunteers who work directly with children must have clearances on file in the church office. Our hope is that you will continue to serve the church and the children knowing that these laws have been enacted for the continued safety of our children. Information on obtaining these clearances can be found below. Furthermore, anyone who registers to volunteer at CMLC’s VBS even if they are not working directly with the children, may receive a follow-up phone call prior to VBS, may be asked to provide references, participate in an interview or to obtain background check.
Most Adult Volunteer positions will require clearances. If your clearances are already on file with the church office, you do not have to resubmit them. If you have clearances from work or another volunteer position, you will need to provide your clearances to the church office. If you have paper certificates, copies will be made and the originals will be returned to you. If you have downloaded your certificates, you can email them to Please supply your PA State Criminal History Record Check and your PA Child Abuse History Record Check.
If you have lived in Pennsylvania for ten or more years, Affidavit of PA Residency.
Print it out, sign and return the form.
If you have not lived in Pennsylvania for ten years, please submit your FBI fingerprint Check.
If you do not have clearances, click here for instructions of how to obtain the clearances.
If you have any questions, regarding clearances, please contact Marilyn Battuello @ (484)-883-1814 or email
Photo Release
Photo Permission is granted to CMLC’s VBS photographer for the purpose of enhancing our VBS experience. All photos taken by our VBS photographer may be used in any church related communications.
Medical Release
There is an assumption of risk by participating in any kind of physical activity during VBS. As a parent/guardian registering your child, you will encourage your child to follow safety rules while on CMLC property. You will not hold CMLC nor it’s members/volunteers personally responsible for any injury. VBS will have a nurse on staff during VBS hours to attend to minor bumps & bruises. Every attempt will be made to contact Parents/guardians if an injury occurs.
Volunteer Training & Orientation
Even veteran volunteers need to participate in an Orientation! We will review our Safe Child Policy and hand out very fashionable volunteer T-shirts (required for ALL volunteers). Experiences volunteers will encourage new volunteers.
If you are under 18, please make sure you have parental permission prior to continuing with registration (also, be prepared to give emergency contact information).
Questions? call Marilyn Battuello @ (484)-883-1814 or email